Thursday, 4 July 2013

Parents Love For Their Children

                            Parents Love for Their Children

The person who cares about you more than anyone else in your life; 
who led their whole life just to bring a broad smile at your face and tries that no one can vanish your winsome smile;
 who tries to make your life’s each and every moment full of happiness, full of joys, comfortable
and beautiful
 like a basket full of fresh, beautiful and colorful flowers. 

I know everyone knows about them. Yes, they are “Parents”.

 Parents are the only one who loves you a lot, who do each and everything just to make your life full of happiness.
I am lucky to have parents and want to say thanks to God for giving such a kind, generous, caring, innocent and lovely parents. Truly parental love is as deep as sea, is as broader as sky which does not have any limit. Their love for their children can’t be explained in few lines. Their immense and deep love for their children is not measurable in this world. Its really very good and lovely to see that god has given such a beautiful and innocent heart to parents that they sacrifice all their comforts for their children.

Let have a look at Parent’s journey, how their feeling get change and how they become “World’s Best Parents” for their children.
Parent’s that is mother and father before having baby, like a normal couple they also live their life full of enjoyment, mainly focusing on their carrier, caring about themselves.

When mother and father are bless with a baby (specially mother’s) while hearing this news, tears of happiness roll down from their eyes and at that time they get a feeling that they got a precious gift from god. From that time only, they start caring about that little baby who is new to them and actually from that very moment they become parents. When baby feel uncomfortable mother can come to know very easily that baby is not happy, baby is not comfortable .

 Before having the baby

 the lady who cares about herself more than anything else now after having the baby instead of thinking about herself(mother),instead of thinking about her career, her looks she starts thinking about baby’s health, baby’s food, overall I can say that she starts taking care of baby, she starts finding world's happiness and pleasure in baby’s cute and innocent smile.
Father now, after coming home from office, instead of asking for water or anything else he first wants to see his child, he wants to see his child's cute smile and by seeing baby’s smile his tiredness go off.

If baby starts crying at night at that time parent’s will not get angry even though they are tired, instead of this they will worry about why baby is crying?
 Is baby feeling hungry? 
 Baby’s health is good or not? 
They will wake up and will get baby rid off that problem because of which baby was crying.

Those who are bachelors they know very well that when somebody wake up them like me from our sleep, at that time we get angry on that person and give reason that (“Yaar bahut thak gayi hun sone de”) “I am tired please don’t disturb me, let me sleep” and even we get disturb when somebody’s child start crying in theater or at the time when we are sleeping. We get easily irritated with baby’s cry. At that time we don’t bother about “What had happen to baby?” we just bother that we are getting disturbed and want to get rid off this. But when we become parent at that time we start bothering about all the things related to baby.

See, same lady/same gentlemen  but their feelings got change when they become parents, after becoming parents they start keeping their comforts at a side and try to make their children’s life more comfortable.

 Each and every parents in this world 
always try to make their child’s life more beautiful and
 comfortable than the life what they had,
 and for doing this they sacrifice their own needs.

Child is like a diamond for parents, more than themselves they care about their child. They start finding their happiness with their children happiness. When child starts toddling or starts saying mama-papa and all activities which child do in their childhood brings a broad and relax smile on parents face, parents get immense happiness by seeing all the activity of their child.

In your young age they become your best friends, 
they become your guide who always guide you to follow the right path in your life, who are always besides you whenever you are in any problem,
 who are even ready to scold you if you do anything wrong in your life, they are the only one in the world who are always ready to forgive you on your mistakes, 
they are the one who always motivate you, even children can forget to care about their parents but parents they never forget to care about their children.

Now as I am young, still while crossing the road my parents holds my hand, they still treat me like a kid. But as I am staying away from them because of job, still they calls me twice in day to ask did I had food or not? 
They can even come to know
 when I am happy or sad only through a phone call,
isn't it amazing 
and I can surely say most of you also had experienced the same thing.
Since from my childhood I thing the reason behind this is that god has given heart to us but connected our heart-beats with our parents heart as like a wireless machine or transistor which keeps on communicating with each other through which they can trace our mood,our emotions, our feelings.

Still I miss those moments which I had with my parents like my mother’s lap where I forget my all tensions, the food she cooks, the warm feeling that I get when she kiss my forehead before going out from home, whenever I got any achievement they always hugged me and said “We are proud of you”.

The brightness which I saw in their eyes when I got gold medal in my graduation at that time my Dad he told these lines to me that “Gagan Narang" won gold medal in Olympics and my daughter she achieved gold medals in her graduation” at that time I saw a different smile on their face which was saying to me that “My daughter we are proud of you” and I want to say them that without their support I couldn't have achieve the gold medal.

I want to say that I am lucky to have such a parents who are “the world’s best parents” and without their love and care, I would not have achieve any thing in my life. Want to say thanks to them for their love,their sacrifice and care and also want to say thanks to God for blessing me with such a nice parents.

And want to say to everyone that please take care of your parents, its our responsibility to bring smile on their face. Never forget that as we are growing younger same time they are getting older and they need us and give respect to them. Love them, never hurt them.Make them to feel that they are the only one because of which we are happy. Spent time with them.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very nice and well said Renu..

  3. pehle laga itna bada blog kab padh lunga...
    lekin jab padhne suru kiya to padhtahi chala gaya khatam kab huva pata hi nahi chala...
    Its very awesome...
    nice one Renu :~)

  4. It is too good to read this blog. While reading this blog it took me to those lovely memories which I had with my parents.

  5. Nice, best thing about this blog is having content showing common but true feeling of parents.

  6. Nice article Renu, This will tell how much love u have on your parents.good.
    Keep it up:-)

  7. Great article, it's shows how our Parent's care on us.
